Awareness of the benefits of Mindfulness is on the rise. It has it's place both in the home and in the workplace; for the individual and for society as a whole. A concept that whilst it can be described simply about being in the moment is one that requires understanding and perseverance for it's application to be completely effective. Moonsong uses mindfulness simply as a key into how to improve the mind, and body, for living a healthier and happier life.


By simply focusing on the breath we give the mind an opportunity to divert itself from the constant internal chatter that goes on in the frontal cortex of the brain, recharging energy levels and reducing stress from the normal emotional upheaval of day to day living.


For mindfulness Moonsong's approach to meditation satisfies the criteria, where the past and future bear little significance to the person's ability to discover living in the present moment.


  • Mindful of your immediate environment and those around, without judgement.
  • Awareness increased by recognising the connection between yourself to others.
  • Having a greater connection facilitates kindness, compassion and happiness.
  • Greater calm found in responding to emotional imbalance by identification and acceptance.
  • Responding rather than reacting reducing stress.

The UK Government’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommends Mindfulness for the treatment of recurrent depression. Research also shows positive effects on several aspects of whole-person health, including the mind, the brain, the body, and behaviour, as well as a person’s relationships with others. So mindfulness is a pathway to happiness


Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.