Taiji, often seen as a martial art (Taiji-chuan), is fundamentally an art of self cultivation. It is a method of improving the connection between mind, body and spirit. The Moonsong approach to Taiji is totally in harmony with qigong and mindfulness training to produce a holistic model for health and happiness. The methods involved focus on a style of Taiji involving loosening exercises, what is known as Taiji form and partner work.
Taiji form, which is continual movement maintaining a particular structure, involves relaxation and release and the differentiation between yin and yang. This is a path to learning how to harmonise between mind and body.
Taiji form, which is continual movement maintaining a particular structure, involves relaxation and release and the differentiation between yin and yang. This is a path to learning how to harmonise between mind and body.
The Basis Of Taijiquan
Taiji Form In The Mist
Relaxation and Sinking
Yang Cheng-fu (1883 - 1936) father of the Yang Long Form